Lawn & Lawn Alternatives Policy



  1. The Association wishes to enforce the Restriction (Article III (g)(2) which states that yards shall be attractively landscaped and maintained in a neat and orderly manner, free of weeds and debris.

  2. The Association wishes to provide homeowners alternative to conventional, purely grass lawns, to enable soil improvement and reduced use of water, pesticides and fertilizers. This must be an intentional process and homeowners must notify the Association of their intent to grow a lawn alternative prior to planting.


  1. Appearance:

    1. Lawn and lawn alternatives must have uniform distribution of plant types.

    2. Lawns and lawn alternatives must be mowed and maintained at a uniform height.

  1. Weed Control:

    1. Broadleaf weeds typically found in residential lawns, most notably dandelion and dandelion like plants, should be removed. A list of broad leaf weeds typically found in northwest turf is available from the Oregon State University's Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook.

    2. Noxious weeds are highly invasive and are listed in the Oregon State Noxious Weed List. These plants can escape yards and dominate local natural areas. Noxious weeds should be removed or contained to prevent spreading.

    1. White clover (Trifolium repens) is a specifically widespread and common plant found within grassy areas of the Association. Large, uncontrolled patches of white clover, especially within dormant or poor quality grass is not considered neat and attractive. We encourage you to remove or reduce clover and replace it with grass or a lawn alternative.

    1. Weeds can be removed by physically pulling them out. If you choose to use chemical herbicides to kill weeds or reduce their growth, we encourage you to spot treat individual weeds rather than broadcasting over entire areas. This is a more effective method to control weeds and reduces harm to people, pets, wildlife, groundwater and local streams and lakes.

  1. Lawn Alternatives:

  1. Lawn alternatives are diverse and ecologically beneficial mixtures of lawn grasses and water-wise broadleaf perennials that form a dense lawn-type planting.

    1. Prior to planting a lawn alternative, the homeowner must notify the Homes Association by submitting a building permit with neighbor's signatures and a full description of the seed mix to be planted and a drawing or description of the area to be planted (e.g. front lawn).

    1. Lawn alternative must be planted from commercially available seed mixtures designated for the Pacific Northwest. Acceptable seed mixtures include Envirolawn, distributed by Bailey Seed Company; or Fleur de Lawn, Fragrant Herbal, or Rough and Ready seed mixes distributed by Hobbs & Hopkins.

    1. The acceptable seed mixtures listed above are composed of approximately 75% or more lawn grasses such as hard fescue and perennial rye grass and approximately 25% or less herbaceous plants such as yarrow, Strawberry (or micro) clover, English daisies, Baby blue eyes, Alyssum and Chamomile. Recent studies show Alyssum to be less appropriate to Northwest lawn use than originally intended. Using a seed mixture without Alyssum as a component will be more successful and is encouraged.

    1. Other brands or types of lawn alternative seed mixtures must be reviewed on a case by case basis prior to planting. Seed mixtures allowed in this policy will be modified as necessary, based on results of future studies.

    1. All lawn alternatives, like all lawns, must be maintained in neat and attractive condition, have a relatively uniform distribution of plant types, be of uniform height and be free of weeds as described above.

Amended: 3/13/12
Approved by Board of Directors
Homes Association of Cedar Hills,                                                Mark Swan, President